Senate Fall 2024

Student Senate

Senate Officers Fall 2024

Senate Executive Board


Open Meetings every Monday at 4:00 p.m. in the Student Center, Scottsbluff Room


Student Senate is a representative organization of the student body at Chadron State College. Student Senate aims to provide a forum for the expression of student views and interests; to be the “voice” of the student body; to improve student cultural and social welfare; to ensure the continued existence of student's rights, both in principle and in practice.

Interested in becoming a Senator? Email Tianna Martin at with your interest.

To check out Senate's Constitution & Bylaws, click here: Constitution & Bylaws (Updated January 2025)

Senator Job Description

  1. Represent student body of said constituencies.
    • Attend all meetings as called by the President
    • Be familiar with the Student Senate Constitution and Bylaws.
    • Provide written and oral school reports at full Senate meetings.
    • Keep a good working relationship with other Senators.
  2. Be an active and enthusiastic member of Senate by:
    • Be actively involved in at least two committees.
    • Read the minutes and agenda and be prepared to discuss and vote on pertinent issues.
    • Voluntarily work in the Student Senate office when requested by the Executive Board.
  3. Represent the interests of Chadron State College at all times with responsibility, respect, and pride!
  4. Speak to fellow students and bring forth concerns, ideas, and possible solutions to make Chadron State College the best possible educational institution.

Current Projects

  • The Zen Room
  • Telehealth Counseling Initiative
  • The Backyard Project
  • Feminine Hygiene Initiative
  • Constitution & Bylaw Revisions
  • The Food Pantry
  • Student Retention
  • Student Enrollment
  • Bettering the entire Chadron Campus and Community